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 @NB2W5H de Pennsylvania contestada…4 años4Y

Performance standards are designed to keep kids from failing rather than actually educating students. I think serious reform is required to lift the quality of the US educational system in order to compete like we once did with the top countries in the world.

 @N9ZQKQ de Ohio contestada…4 años4Y

Respond on a case by case basis; in some cases such schools need MORE funds to be able to meet the standards. The problems are not the same from school to school

 @N9D2H2 de Virginia contestada…4 años4Y

Availability of funds as an incentive based on scores, etc., ignores that scores may be down due to teachers, equipment, etc., needed and available only with more funds. Funds availability should be a last incentive. Also, communities that invest more in education should be able to keep the differential for their own educational purposes.

 @N8GY6L de Kentucky contestada…4 años4Y

 @N7PNFB de Illinois contestada…4 años4Y

Mentally challenged children need to be pulled out of testing numbers and put in altenative schools. Populations that are over 33% hispanic need to have different tests and given additional classes with English immersion.

 @N4YMY4 de Washington D.C. contestada…4 años4Y

Your question makes no sense. Schools get federal funds based on their child-poverty levels, not performance. Many are underfunded by their states and local governments. If a school is failing to meet academic standards and has been given needed resources, parents should have the right to transfer to a higher performing public school and take their share of per-pupil spending (from all sources, including federal) with them to the new school.

 @LSCMDW de Florida contestada…4 años4Y

The federal department of education should be an information clearing house, and should set recommended standards and procedures, and should oversea the certification of the educational institutions for teacher training. more than that is too much.

 @LL3MFK de North Carolina contestada…4 años4Y

No. The "No Child Left Behind" system does not work. Schools should be regulated and be expected to maintain certain standards, yes, but kids should not be passed if they have not adequately learned the material simply to keep up with these standards. Teachers need to be paid more, to the level of doctors even, because their role in our country is extremely important- they are molding the next generation. They should be given a wage that inspires them to do well at their jobs. Less money needs to go into keeping up appearances and pep rallies and all that other crap- I don't…  Lee mas