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Secretary of State orders crackdown on Israel-Hamas leaks

Secretary of State Antony Blinken directed his top staff to crack down on leaks about diplomacy relating to the Israel-Hamas war, saying clearly that he was “angry” with the constant stream of press reports revealing sensitive information.

Not only did classified materials make it into press reports, he chided State leadership earlier this month in a small team meeting, but also fresh proposals to broker a cease-fire and secure the release of hostages held by Hamas. Those leaks made tricky negotiations even harder, he said, and eroded trust within the State Department that document…  Read more

 @NegotiationSmeltSocialist from Missouri commented…2wks2W

The problem is that Blinken isn't even trying to be plausible. In March, State ludicrously said Israel follows international law, and Blinken described the thousands of dead Gazans as victims of a "crossfire of Hamas's making". No wonder his staff is trying to get the truth out

 @M4joritySophiaGreen from Oregon commented…2wks2W

Wouldn't be an issue if Biden's foreign policies weren't so disastrous.

Providing diplomatic cover for any nation's wrongdoings will inevitably result in leaks and whistleblowers.

 @LovingD3baterAmerican Solidarity from Massachusetts commented…2wks2W

Maybe upon the slaughter and kidnapping of over 1,000 civilians, wasn't the time to go public with:

"Don't give Israel anything until they prove they won't abuse it."

 @L3ftWingChameleonNo Labels from California commented…2wks2W

The problem is, when you lie habitually you lose the respect of your staff. When you give them no recourse but to obey, same thing. It's happening everywhere... the lack of democracy breeds rebellion.


Pope Francis denounces attempts to close southern border as "madness"

During the April 24 interview with "60 Minutes" that aired Sunday, Francis was asked his thoughts on the conservative backlash against his papacy, with many of his critics being American clergy members.

Francis responded by saying a conservative is someone who "clings to something and does not want to see beyond that."

"It is a suicidal attitude," the pontiff said.

"Because one thing is to take tradition into account, to consider situations from the past, but quite another is to be closed up inside a dogmatic box."

When asked about the state of Texas potent…  Read more

 @PanickyS0cialJustic3Patriot from Illinois commented…2wks2W

How many refugees has Vatican City taken in? I understand the Pope has quite a large palace that could house many!

 @SyrupRonGreen from Texas disagreed…2wks2W

How many did Jesus help? We have lost site of the humanity behind immigration. We claim to be Christian’s but forget the basic teachings.

 @Freedom76 from South Carolina disagreed…2wks2W

Government should not bear the sword in vain, and should be a terror to those who do evil, according to the Bible.

 @WidgeonAlfieConstitutionfrom Kansas commented…2wks2W

Maybe Pope Francis should stay in his lane.

Open the Vatican up to these “refugees”. The Vatican could use some DEI.

 @FreedomSaltSocialist from Delaware disagreed…2wks2W

lol imagine hating brown people so much you think the literal Pope is the bad guy in this equation

 @FierceR1ghtWingAmerican Solidarityfrom Massachusetts commented…2wks2W

The good news is that I guess this means Vatican City is open to receiving migrants. We should start arranging planes.

I'll bet many would prefer sleeping in the Sistine Chapel than on the streets of America.


Biden Turns Title IX Into a Weapon Against Women and Girls

The Biden administration’s Title IX rule, which the Education Department published on April 29, is a looming disaster for women and girls.

Virtually every school in the nation that takes federal money will now have to allow boys who identify as girls to enter girls’ physical-education classes, locker rooms, showers and bathrooms.

Schools will be compelled to disregard the rights of women and girls in favor of a male’s subjective and sometimes temporary feelings.

It demands that students, teachers and administrators go along with the lies of gender ideology, which are harmin…  Read more

 @NeedyMinorityWhipLibertarian from Wisconsin commented…2wks2W

The deal has to be this:

If you are a biological man who wishes to impersonate a woman, fine, we’ll respect your personal freedom of choice as long as you in turn agree to respect the rights of biological women and you do not cross the line and try to assert those same rights for yourself.

If you do not respect the rights of biological women, don’t expect respect for your personal freedom of passing yourself off as a woman.

 @RepublicPepperSocialist from California disagreed…2wks2W

They don't pass themselves off as women, they TRY to pass themselves off as a woman. It never works.

They expect us to participate in their delusion.

  @Madeline1208 from Indiana disagreed…2wks2W

The transphobia is the real delusion

 @Freedom76 from South Carolina disagreed…2wks2W

"Transphobia" is one of the stupidest words in the English language, because "phobia" means "fear." None of us members of Team Sanity thinks transgenderites are scary – we think they're feeble and stupid and mentally insane weaklings.

 @CampaignMayaPatriotfrom Maine commented…2wks2W

Here is the big question:

Where, oh where, are the feminists? Just where is the National Organization for Women?

Their deafening silence on this issue exposes them for what they are, intellectual lightweights willing to bow to their progressive overlords as they implement insane transgender policies that damage the feminists' core constituency.

Shameful is too kind a word to describe this political cowardice.

 @PollingTermiteForward from Maine agreed…2wks2W

The policy of allowing men to compete as women has a disparate impact on women. And if you follow the left's ideology, there shouldn't even be a difference between men's and women's sports. They should all compete in the same event. After all, the left claims there's no difference.

 @BlissfulReformNo Labelsfrom Missouri commented…2wks2W

How can the president appease a tiny minority of mentally confused individuals at the detriment of half of our population?

 @DrearyMallardVeteranfrom Maine agreed…2wks2W

By the large damaged group not speaking up which is the current case. The loudest voice is the "confused" voice.

 @QuicheClaireUnity from Texas commented…2wks2W

Stop treating “gender identity” as a civil rights issue; it is a mental illness issue. People afflicted with “gender identity” problems need medical care.

But they don't belong in women's locker rooms or on women's high school or college teams.

 @PopulistApplesLibertarian from Pennsylvania commented…2wks2W

It is a mental illness issue, but it won't be fixed by medical care. The medical establishment bears a large responsibility for the problem, by deferring to corrupt organizations like WPATH, that churn out manufactured studies to promote the lifestyle.

This is a social contagion problem exacerbated by a culture of rabid narcissists who "celebrate" victimhood and have no concept of common decency.


States Shield Abortion Providers from Out-of-State Prosecutions in New Laws

More than a dozen states have laws shielding medical providers and others from out-of-state investigations and prosecutions regarding abortions and gender affirming care. But six states — Colorado, Massachusetts, New York, California, Vermont and Washington — have gone even further.

Those shield laws offer protection for doctors, nurses and other practitioners who prescribe and send abortion pills to people living in states that ban or severely restrict abortion.

“States have a duty to protect their most vulnerable citizens and their families from harm. One state cannot intr…  Read more

 @LoyalOcelotDemocrat from Tennessee commented…2wks2W

We just never learn: You can't legislate morality. People will do what they do because they feel it in their own best interest, no matter what the law says. Many lives were impacted before abortion was first made legal, for better or for worse. But in the end it's still each person that has to make their own choice, and live with it.

Why society continues to think that it can force peoples decision to fit someone elses values still surprises me. Making criminals out of normal people just doing their best to get along with their lives is counterproductive, and in the end pointless. It never really changes anything.

 @YearlyCardinalPatriot from Colorado disagreed…2wks2W

I share your animus toward gov't "interference," but your "people will do what they feel is in their best interest" baloney needs a reality check. We're talking sexual activity here, and "self-interest" JUST THIS ONCE might not be uppermost in 2 people's minds or extremities.

 @SeafowlChrisDemocratfrom Nevada commented…2wks2W

We need abortion to remain legal, medically supervised, and safe. Pharmaceutical abortion is safe —in theory, but it can go wrong when it isn't administered as directed. People need to be examined before an abortion to make sure they are in the parameters of when it is safe. There have been people who were way too far along attempt termination using the pill. For all intents and purposes an abortion induced by using the pill is the same as a miscarriage. You can bleed out, or have an incomplete evacuation.

That's why we need supervision. To save the lives, health and future fertility of women.

 @MorbidUn1onTranshumanist from Illinois commented…2wks2W

Trust a woman! Trust a woman to know whether and when she should have a child. When a woman chooses to have a child you can trust her to take care of that child.

Forced childbirth may actually increase the incidence of child abuse. An unwanted child may be in danger from his/her own parent.

 @SardinesDonWorking Familyfrom North Carolina commented…2wks2W

The "pro-life" crowd needs to understand that everyone is pro-life except those who would deny food or medical care, for example, to people who need it. Contraception and medicine designed to allow women to live their lives is a no-brainer.


Nations Offer Prayers To Iran After President's Death

Several leaders in Asia and Europe offered their support and prayers to Iran as the country continues rescue operations for a helicopter that crashed while carrying Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi on Sunday.

Turkey’s disaster and emergency management agency on Sunday said it would send 32 mountaineer search-and-rescue employees and six vehicles to Iran to assist in the operations. A group of other employees are also standing by as needed, the agency said on the social platform X.

Armenia and Saudi Arabia’s foreign ministries separately said they were prepared to provide support.

Read more

 @S3nateMooseGreen from Oklahoma commented…2wks2W

Today's challenge: which US politician can react the most hysterically and flamboyantly to the death of the Iranian president, and the ICC submission against Israel? The competition will no doubt be intense

 @AnxiousHeronAmerican Solidarityfrom Pennsylvania commented…2wks2W

He became president after a sham election in 2021 and was known as “The Butcher of Tehran” for his role in overseeing the mass executions of thousands in 1988.

Support and prayers? The world has gone mad.

 @9MM5RM7Libertarian  from California commented…2wks2W

The death of the President of Iran is saddening, however it is important to acknowledge the thousands of death which he warranted during the 1988 massacre.

 @TradeTariffKaylee from North Carolina submitted…2wks2W

Senate Republicans introduce legislation to legalize IVF treatment nationally.

Republican Sens. Ted Cruz (Texas) and Katie Britt (Ala.) announced Monday that they are introducing legislation to protect legal access to in vitro fertilization (IVF) nationwide in the wake of an Alabama Supreme Court ruling that embryos created by the treatment are children.

Cruz and Britt said they will unveil the bill to clear up the “confusion and misinformation” spread by the ruling, which has alarmed prospective parents who worry they may lose access to the procedure and the chance to have children.

“To address these concerns, we will introduce a bill on Monday to ensur…  Read more

 @SquirrelPiperDemocratfrom Minnesota commented…2wks2W

The Republican shibboleth that life begins at conception is simple incompatible with the practice if IVF, as the Alabama Supreme Court recognized. If Cruz and the other Republicans are abandoning their extreme stance for electoral viability, they should say so.

 @MantisBillGreen from California commented…2wks2W

 @CockatooTedWorking Familyfrom South Carolina commented…2wks2W

Wasn't this whole controversy simply Democrat misinformation and propaganda trying to make Republicans look bad about nothing?

Democrat position is that abortion is fine, and any doctor should be forced to preform them right up to birth for any reason.

Republican position is that at some point abortion is murder. The debate is only when during the pregnancy it becomes clear that an abortion would be outlawed without a really good reason.

This should be left up to the states.

 @QuickFilibusterRepublican from New York disagreed…2wks2W

That's propaganda. No Democrat I know thinks abortion should be permitted "right up to birth", and both Republicans and Democrats want a sliding scale of restrictions as birth approaches. Once again the debate is being driven by extremists on both sides instead of the silent majority, which seems to be the case for most other issues in the country.

 @V0t1ngMadelynGreen from Minnesota commented…2wks2W

If "life begins at conception" IVF should be illegal, period. It's laughable (cryable?) that Republicans advocate for extreme abortion restrictions and also support IVF, which kills thousands of "children" each year. Give me a break, how pathetically hypocritical can one possibly be?

 @M1norityHalRepublican from New Jersey disagreed…2wks2W

Sham argument.

One can certainly be pro IVF and also favor restrictions on abortion. They are clearly very distinct issues, and as the senators say, both are pro-family.

 @Freedom76 from South Carolina commented…2wks2W

The Tenth Amendment (the one your professor forgot to tell you about) clearly says the powers not explicitly delegated to the federal government by the constitution are reserved for the people of the STATES. Look up a power to force States to legalise IVF in the Constitution. Don't see it? That's because it's not there. This is unconstitutional and an attack on the right to self-government of the people of the States.


Iran's President and Foreign Minister die in helicopter crash.

A helicopter carrying President Ebrahim Raisi of Iran crashed in the northwestern part of the country.

The crash would deprive Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei of a longtime ally and potential successor as Tehran angles for regional dominance through armed militias that are fighting the U.S. and Israel.

Drones, dogs, and search and rescue teams were used to locate the helicopter as fog and bad weather made the work difficult, the interior minister, Ahmad Vahidi, said on Iranian state television.

“On Sunday afternoon, a helicopter carrying the President, the Minister of Foreign Affairs…  Read more


Ukraine Asks for U.S. Help in Striking Targets Inside Russia

Ukraine has asked the Biden administration to help identify targets in Russia for Kyiv to strike using its own weapons. It has also asked the U.S. to lift restrictions on the use of American provided weapons against military objectives inside Russia, U.S. and defense officials said.

The request comes as Russia had made its biggest territorial gains in Ukraine in nearly 18 months in the northeast region of Kharkiv. Other U.S. officials said that Ukraine’s request, which was made over the past week, was being reviewed.

If the U.S. were to agree to such changes, it could mark a major polic…  Read more