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4 Replies

  @Madeline1208  from Indiana disagreed…4wks4W

Show imagethe Israeli government actually controls the vast majority of Israel. I would like to know when or where Israel has warned Muslims and if them "accidently" bombing shelters and hospitals was part of that. Your categorization of Muslims as "radicals" and "barbaric" is incredibly racist.

 @9MJHZW7 from California commented…4wks4W

What does race have to do with any of this? Muslim refers to individuals who practice the Islamic religion and with all due respect it is radical.

And yes Israel did warn Palestine civilians and tourists but Palestine decided to ignore these warnings.

You mentioned how Israel accidentally bombed shelters and hospitals, I would like you to please verify the information with trusted sources. There have been mutual accusations between regions.

 @Freedom76 from South Carolina agreed…4wks4W

Thank you, I agree 100%. I'm sick and tired of leftists calling people racist for things that have nothing to do with race.

 @Freedom76 from South Carolina commented…4wks4W

I wasn't talking about Israel itself when I said that they were surrounded by Muslims, I was talking about the *SURROUNDING LANDS* – like I sad, North Africa, and the other Middle Eastern States. And, unfortunately for people like you, searching for victimhood, it's impossible to be "racist" against a RELIGION. Racism is prejudice against an ETHNIC GROUP, not a BELIEF SYSTEM. And it is a FACT that Islam is a barbaric and unenlightened religion. There's nothing racist about that.

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