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Immigrants Head To Ireland To Avoid UK Deportation

 @T3rritorialLilyMountain from Iowa commented…2mos2MO

Ireland will return them to Northern Ireland. This is a problem for the UK to solve. Just another example of Brexit blowing up in our faces....

 @T3rritorialLilyMountain from Iowa agreed…2mos2MO

Britain can return them to France, it's just chosen not to. Instead it has come up with a ridiculous Rwanda policy that will fail miserably and wont stop the boats.

 @GutturalTruffleDemocrat from Colorado commented…2mos2MO

 @T3rritorialLilyMountain from Iowa agreed…2mos2MO

Ireland can grant asylum to the refugees, issue passports and they can all go and live in the UK...Job done!