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24 Replies


Is it fair for the government to decide what constitutes as 'hate speech' and what does that say about individual freedom of expression?

 @9L93TCRLibertarian from North Carolina answered…2mos2MO

No because vocabulary among the people can change and the government might not catch hold of what something does and doesn't mean especially with context clues/issues.

 @9L93SKQ from Missouri answered…2mos2MO

 @9L8ZSTM from Missouri commented…2mos2MO

it is not fair, they should be able to say whatever they want, its not like they threatened to kill them. They chose to be gay, face the hate.

 @NegotiationSardinesTranshumanist from California commented…2mos2MO

How quickly did they become just another EU stooge? One election.

 @SteadfastTunaRepublican from Kansas agreed…2mos2MO

The EU withheld billions of euros from Poland until their preferred people got into power. Defacto coercion and election interference.

 @CockyD3legateVeteranfrom New Mexico agreed…2mos2MO

the PiS made a lot of errors, plus Donald Tusk is a strongman of the globalists, he got all the support and propaganda from globalists

 @ExcludedR3volutionLibertarian from California commented…2mos2MO

I could’ve swore Poland had a backbone yet now their biggest concern is fee fee’s? C’mon Poland.

 @R3d1strictingCheetahRepublican from Massachusetts agreed…2mos2MO

The nation and the people do - the majority still does and will fight for the EU exit

 @WildfowlVioletLibertarian from Virginia commented…2mos2MO

It’s hard for me to believe the polish people want restrictions on their speech after so recently throwing off the yoke of communism

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…2mos2MO

It wasn't communism they threw off (communism is a form of anarchism) but socialism. And it never truly ended. Socialism, in classic liberal philosopher Friedrich Bastiat's definition, is the belief in a government that goes beyond the basic functions of protecting life, liberty, and property. Socialism believes in the State as the solution to problems, whereas true libertarianism and traditional conservatism (not to be confused with the policies of the neocon Republican Party) believe in liberty as the solution to problems.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…2mos2MO

Police statism is sweeping the Western World. This just happened in Canada and Scotland. The feds are coming for us next.

 @9L8ZSPW from Pennsylvania commented…2mos2MO

It is good to help those who suffer in hate speech but it would mostly depend on how far the hate speech goes

 @ExcludedLobbyistForward from Virginia commented…2mos2MO

Not Poland, but the Polish radical left holding positions in the government. For now, it is a project that has not been voted on in parliament.

 @D1plom4tPenelopeLibertarianfrom Indiana commented…2mos2MO

They call this progress, but it is draconian. This is really no different than religious laws enforced in Middle Eastern countries, except these laws are introduced in the name of godlessness and overhanded pressure of the state to modify individual thought to its will.

 @Equ4lRightsPhilRepublicanfrom Oregon commented…2mos2MO

Of course, seems to be a growing trend. “Freedom is never more than one generation way from extinction.”


Can a law like Poland's proposed 'hate speech' law coexist with religious freedoms, especially when some religious doctrines may clash with LGBT rights?


Do you believe a law that penalizes hate speech against LGBT people could limit free speech, and if so, is that sacrifice worth it?

 @Conserva1983Transhumanistfrom Texas commented…2mos2MO

Europe is collapsing under the weight of their own tyrannical ideology.

 @CapitalistMikeyPeace and Freedom from Florida commented…2mos2MO

 @9L8ZFS8 from New York commented…2mos2MO

Hate speech is not beneficial to those who may be definitely affected. It only harms, and beliefs are not supposed to be founded on harming others.

 @Fr33SpeechMartyUnity from New Jersey commented…2mos2MO

Insanity. We should treat each other with respect but who decides what is/is not an insult?

Many are insulted by the truth become taboo?

Where does it end?


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