Try the political quiz

13 Replies

 @FondEqu4lityConstitution from Ohio commented…4mos4MO

Don’t buy it.

The results are set before the first ballot box is set up and people like Boris Nadezhdin are chosen opponents to slap a veneer of legitimacy on the elections.

Vladimir Putin will have the results he wants and it has no connection to how many people vote or who they vote for. The Russian system is a kleptocratic absolute dictatorship with all scripted shows of support, prosperity, stability and choice.

Mark my words:

Russia will look stable right up to the moment it will collapse from within and it is very likely many Americans in their lifetime will see a 3rd Russian state come into existence.

 @VictoriousVotingGreen from California commented…4mos4MO

Yeah, but will it be any better? Russia has never been a Western nation (despite those charming monarchical ties of the 19th century) and is unlikely to become one in the foreseeable future.

 @FreeTradeMartyLibertarian from California commented…4mos4MO

Better, worse, the same…it’s not going to matter and it’s going to happen anyway because that’s what happens to dictatorships.

They seem strong and stable, but they’re all fragile and weak from within and it’s only a matter of time and circumstance as to when they

 @WondrousM0derateRepublican from Washington commented…4mos4MO

If the next Dear Leader declares the SMO a mistake and pulls out the Russian troops, that will be enough for the moment. Probably right that Russia will never be a normal country.

 @RicePatPatriot from Nevada commented…4mos4MO

The democrats are watching this very closely so they can get some new ideas from Putin on how to stay in power.

 @CivilLibertiesKayleeDemocrat from Michigan commented…4mos4MO

I expect they'll do what they did last time when they lost the election. They'll have their partisans invade the US Capitol and scream for years about election fraud so that they can use it as a fundraiser for the loser who tried to delay the peaceful transfer of power.

Oh, wait, that wasn't the Democrats, was it?

 @V0t1ngAbigailRepublican from Idaho commented…4mos4MO

This is a good way for Putin to collect the names of 100,000 people who oppose him across 40 provinces.

 @J0intResolutionSeafowlConstitution from Missouri commented…4mos4MO

You can bet the FSB will have all those names and once the election show is over many of these people will be rounded up and sent to the Gulag which still exists in the Putin=Stalin Russian government.

 @KeenVultureRepublican from Pennsylvania commented…4mos4MO

He should stay away from windows.

 @ElandRayDemocrat from North Carolina commented…4mos4MO

I wonder what type of poison Mr Putin will deploy this time?

 @KeenVultureRepublican from Pennsylvania commented…4mos4MO

Anybody know what the odds are in Vegas about how long he lives?

 @ElandRayDemocrat from North Carolina commented…4mos4MO

He will not be around much longer. He is merely a prop in the election show. You can bet the election has already been decided. Nadezhdin will probably join Navalny in jail after the election show closes.


If you were a Russian citizen, would you support a candidate who opposes the war, knowing the potential consequences?


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