Try the political quiz

4 Replies

 @9JSGJFJLibertarian from Florida answered…4mos4MO

My ideas of nationalism have changed because I feel horrible for the people who are being discriminated and do not feel pride in their country -- this causes me to not feel pride in my country either.


I agree with this answer because I feel that the people of this nation that discriminate against race or heritage hurt this countries purpose of freedom and equality.

 @9JSGC9L from California answered…4mos4MO

yes, my views such as political have changed. I believe the american culture has influenced me into becoming a republican and seeing how much democrats talk a lot of nonsense and implement lies to the people through the media and never keep their promises nor make Americans a priority.

 @9JSGB2DSocialist from Arizona answered…4mos4MO

No, I have always been firmly against White Nationalism. Once I actually learned what nationalism was, I had been against it, especially when it comes to the idea that one race holds superiority over another and/or the creation of an ethnostate.