Try the political quiz

Which political ideology do you most identify with?



What would you do differently if for one day you held a position of significant political power?

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…4mos4MO

Switch to a ranked voting system, destroy the electoral college, ban corporate lobbying, publicly fund elections, ban superPACS, congressional term limits of 4, 2 year terms, enhance climate change prevention measures, invest heavily in nuclear energy, solidify joining the Paris Climate Agreement, speed up the process of immigration at the border, fix the spending waste issues in the military, TAX. THE. RICH, make a maximum cap or renters homeownership, go directly after Blackrock, enact Gavin Newsom’s 28th amendment (common sense gun laws across the board), reform to a fair progressive tax, fund Ukraine and lower funding for Israel, along with publicly condemning them for an extreme amount of civilian casualties.

 @9JFWZ3KIndependent from Texas disagreed…4mos4MO

EVERYBODY would pay flat income tax so EVERYBODY would have a skin in the game and "pay their fair share." Yes, that includes the poor people. If they are gonna vote, then they need to be smart voters. Smart and independent voters who can think for themselves are the enemy of the political establishment both on the left, and on the right and that's what this country desperately needs.

Reading some replies here, I want to slap your parents, your school teachers and your college professors because they all failed you.