Try the political quiz

276 Replies


Do you think there's room to innovate in how we conduct elections, and what would that look like?

 @9JDF9R7 from California answered…4mos4MO

In response to the topic of New Democracy, I think there's room to innovate in how we conduct elections, and that would look like building an effective system.


I just agree because I feel as if there are certain standards on how a room should be innovated when conducting elections.

 @9JDF7JLWomen’s Equality from California answered…4mos4MO

I think we should make sure that it's no longer a money competition, rather it's an election between suitable candidates that don't win solely on how much money they have to campaign.


I think how elections are right now are fine there's nothing I want to see change.


How should a society prioritize its spending: healthcare, military, education, or something else?

 @9L5ZDYM from Nebraska answered…2mos2MO

 @9L5Z7VR from Utah answered…2mos2MO

It needs to base it off of the needs of the people, make sure that they are doing things with integrity

 @9L5Z6DYProgressive from Utah answered…2mos2MO

I believe that it should be very evenly split between the 3. All are just as important as the rest. Though It could be argued the importance of military power in relation to security.


Do you think a government should prioritize social equality over economic growth; why or why not?

 @9HDSCKZ from Texas answered…6mos6MO

that everyone has the same right as everyone that there is no discrimination based on the type of skin color


I think social equality because of the fact that people could meet reach people that make them rich

 @9HDSMYX from North Carolina answered…6mos6MO

No, economic growth has no downsides and should be prioritized to prevent the country from entering a depression.


Yes, the social life and stability of the people is more important because it decreases crime.


In a changing society, how important is it for political systems to evolve, and what would that evolution entail?

 @9LH888YIndependence from North Carolina answered…2mos2MO

It is pretty important for political systems to evolve because things are constantly changing and there's always room for improvement in the government.

 @9LFQ6ZT from Texas answered…2mos2MO

It is very important and that would entail a lot of change within the people of the US.

 @9LFPGCJ from New York answered…2mos2MO

It´s very important for political system to evolve for the environment. For the people and for he future of the the United states.


What steps can we take to ensure young people are more engaged and represented in politics?

 @9KCTBHF from Massachusetts answered…3mos3MO

give us a reason to care because this countr is going to ****

 @8Z7PTXFDemocrat  from California disagreed…3mos3MO

The country is going to **** because you don't participate. Politicians will not listen to someone before they become a regular voter. Only after. If you expect a politician to cater to you BEFORE you get involved, you will be disappointed.

 @9KCVZ75 from Missouri answered…3mos3MO

I believe that people should lift the restrictions of property, but not remove the electoral college all together. That way people are more engaged, but it doesn't have to be a loose process

 @9KCTGQ6Democrat from Wisconsin answered…3mos3MO

One thing I would say is that using the internet to spread information about the candidate. My Gov teacher always told me that Gen Z can see through lies and bull **** most times so being honest with them is the best way to get their attention. Using YouTube, X, and even Instagram has gotten me engaged into staying in touch with politics and knowing what is going on around the world.


How should we handle the balance between global cooperation and national sovereignty in governance?

 @9KMMVC4 from California answered…3mos3MO

I will balance the government and harsh punishment they get and find peace to us and other government,

 @9KM8ND6 from California answered…3mos3MO

The protection of freedom is important in our government and should be influenced for other countries to have.

 @9KM8257 from California answered…3mos3MO

There are things I agree with and disagree with when it comes to New Democracy, I do feel as though those oppressed by imperialism need to rise up and that those in lower levels deserve more power in society. Along with needing the mitigate the power and hold higher power more traditionalist people have on society.


If you could shape a new democratic system, what values would be at its heart and why?

 @9JFJRXP  from Texas answered…4mos4MO

For the people, by the people. I know that's what they claim to do but it's not the case. People came here to be free and try new things without being criticized for who they are. We will never get there but we can try. Form together under the idea of a new american dream, even if we don't totally agree on all things we can ban together for the bettering of the people. offer help to those who ask outside the US [don't force]. work collectivly to exempt greed. We should be about our communities. take a hard-shift into renewable and safe energy and disposible trash, lets keep this planet alive for the next great beings.

 @9JDDFFQ from Ohio answered…4mos4MO

 @9JDD3TV from Oklahoma answered…4mos4MO

I would scrap the democratic system and implement a purely constitutional republic.


Can you think of a time when you felt particularly empowered or disempowered by your government's decisions?

 @9HW3SV5 from Virginia answered…5mos5MO

Arresting women who decided/tried to have abortions. I felt disempowered by that, being as though mainly a group of men decided what to do with the woman.

 @9HZK7WD from California agreed…5mos5MO

As much as i disagree with abortion’s, I don’t think w women should get arrested unless the baby was halfway or almost full term. If it can be born and have a good chance at surviving, like it has all the tool necessary, then that baby deserves to be born.

 @9HZ29DQ from Minnesota agreed…5mos5MO

The abortion debate is a religious one that is being argued on a governmental level. We are not giving other religions a spot as others do allow it for various reason. this does nothing more that punish women for not putting into the workforce….. the people who are pulling strings on this fall into one of 2 categories, either they want to re-enforce the declining birth rate using religion as a reason for it and those that want to enforce their religious belief on others. Both are deplorable for doing so.

 @9HW3Q4V from Tennessee answered…5mos5MO

When the government starts talking about things that will be given for free, they will not actually be free. They have to have money to fund the "free" services, and this will more than likely come out of taxpayer money.

 @9HW3JSY from Kentucky answered…5mos5MO

I think to the topic, I think that we as a nation were unified by the leadership of President Obama. Obama led the country to the Recession of 09, he helped the Medicare of this country, he helped bring diversity in this room, and he fought the imperialism of communist foreign nations

 @9HTYC6C from Colorado commented…5mos5MO

In school, I was often passed up by teachers because teachers were politicaly inclines to help the gay people or female.


How would you feel living under a government that includes a variety of social classes in its ruling coalition?

 @9H3H8NPfrom Maine answered…7mos7MO

 @9H3GWXCConstitution from Nevada answered…7mos7MO

In communism everyone is supposed to get the same thing, if there are social classes how is that the same. it isn't benefiting others and is supporting some.

 @9H3J6M7 from Minnesota answered…7mos7MO

I think I would feel alright since I think different social classes in a government can have different ideas and solutions. Another is to point out certain issues that other social classes may not want to discuss.


i would hate it but we kinda already have one because the rich and famous have way more power or control over poor people and are usually backed by the government.


How would you balance the need for strong leadership and the risk of potential authoritarianism in a new political system?

 @9H3H8NPfrom Maine answered…7mos7MO

We need a strong balance of powers and candidates that are strongly committed to the constitution principles.

 @9H3GWXCConstitution from Nevada answered…7mos7MO

Communism will always put too much power into the hands of it's leaders, they hold all the money and decide who gets what this will instill and authoritarian dictatorship eventually.

 @9H3HKFYRepublican from Virginia answered…7mos7MO

to make sure the new leader can be stronger leadership in the later political system.


How might living in a society where every person's voice counts change your daily life?

 @9HVCLMSRepublican from Missouri answered…5mos5MO

It could change by the foreighners being able to control the goveremnt just as much as we can

 @9HVCJ9B from Iowa answered…5mos5MO

It would make everything less efficient and work worse because people under 21 cannot make perfectly reasonable decisions


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