Try the political quiz

23 Replies

 @9G6CZ73 from California agreed…8mos8MO

I think that if the women wants to be in combat and goes through all of the training that they should be allowed to because they already went through the training. But they should not make people do it if they don't want to.

 @IamSirius32Green from Ohio agreed…7mos7MO

Women are not any less capable than men. It feels unconstitutional to deny a woman from serving in the military.

 @9GYMQ2M from New Mexico agreed…7mos7MO

Women are competent and should have equal rights with men. Women who go through the training shouldn't be denied just because of their gender, they like all people should only be denied if they are not suitable and haven't undergone training.

 @9LTFVVLDemocrat from Texas agreed…1mo1MO

Many times, women have proven to have a persistence, even in cases greater than that of men, for the same reason that women can be in combat and serve their country.

 @9GF5X2N from Kansas agreed…7mos7MO

Women and men are put through the same combat training and do the same routine. they are held to the same standards when training. if they go to the same forts as men then why cant they have combat roles?

 @9G8ZNH9Constitution from Illinois disagreed…8mos8MO

I think that you should not be putting other soldiers in danger because they have a genetically weaker person in there squad.

 @9FPB5H8 from California agreed…8mos8MO

If people are truly concerned about this being a problem, people who enter the military, including men, should take a course for sexual assault. This would also be beneficial because men being raped by other men has happened in military history. Though, people should not have to be cautious around women because of this, they should be treated equally and be able to serve in any form or combat they wish. If someone were to rape someone else they should be kicked out and charged if the victim wishes. If a woman were to get pregnant from sexual assault in the military then the criminal should pay child care until the child is 18, if they decide to have the child, and should pay the medical bills if they choose to get an abortion.

 @9FMP6RNRepublican from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

Women are physically weaker than men. If I am fighting in the military and I weigh 250 pounds I want my comrads to be able to carry me out of the battle field. Also I do not wish to see women go out and die in a war. I believe it is our duty as men to fight for our country.

 @9HN7DX8 from Texas agreed…6mos6MO

I don't know much solid data on this issue but I think that if the military has a job to do then they need to put their best people on it to be successful. To me is all about the numbers. If a person can pass the physical requirements to excel in a combat role then send them to the battlefield where they can best serve their country.

 @9GZL4XJ from Texas agreed…7mos7MO

If they feel like they are as stong as they say they are the should be able to fight alongside with guys.


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